Pragmatism In Education

Pragmatism in Education: A Comprehensive Exploration

The environment around learning keeps evolving in an attempt to satisfy the needs of society and learners as well. Among all the ideas encountered in the philosophy of education, pragmatism is the one that is most applicable. With this, the paper shall first elucidate the concept of pragamtism in education. Secondly examine the principles of pragmatism in relation to the activities of teaching and learning. Then finally offer responses to frequently posed inquiries regarding the subject.

Understanding Pragmatism

Pragmatism is a stream of philosophy which originated in the last century. Prominent individuals in this domain include C.S Pierce, William James and John Dewey among others. In a nutshell, pragmatism posits that any idea is as good as its practical consequences. In this regard, within the educational framework, this calls for emphasis on learning by doing, evaluation of knowledge and its application as well as adaptability.

Historical Context of Pragmatism in Education

John Dewey was one of the first advocates of pragmatism in education. He believed in education as more than the propagation of knowledge. It encompasses interaction with the surrounding environment. Dewey’s ideas went ahead to form the tenets of progressive education which was developed in response to the needs and interests of the learners.

Core Principles of Pragmatism in Education

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